5 Secrets to a Happy Classroom

It is so easy to get sucked into the mundane of daily routine both in your personal life and in the classroom. As the days become colder and the mornings darker, the energy wanes. How do we create a happy classroom in the midst of these dark, cold days? I have 5 quick tips for you that you can implement today!

5 Tips to Implement Today!

  1. Play music in your classroom throughout the day. My students LOVE when I play music during Morning work or throughout the day. Occasionally, it even turns into a dance party! 😉 Be looking for some of my favorite classroom playlists coming soon!
  2. Take a little time with your students a few times a week to write out 3 things you are thankful for. I have noticed this makes such a huge difference for both myself and my kiddos. How often do we stop to be thankful in our daily lives? Perspective is everything!
  3. Create big celebrations for small successes with your students. I love to make a big deal about what may seem like the silliest things… haircuts, a funny comment, birthdays, a class compliment, a win or even a loss of a sports game… you get the point! Expression and engagement go a long way.
  4. Surprise your class with a treat or fun activity. Another way my students get PUMPED is when I bring in a surprise treat or silly activity. Have you ever heard of a compound sentence Oreo or how about a human food web? Ask my 5th graders!
  5. Use lighting, essential oils, and/or wall plug-ins to create a “homey” environment for both yourself and your students. Really just setting the tone of your classroom as inviting and calming will go a long way to making everyone (including yourself) feel happier!

Watch the Smiles Grow!

Consistently implementing these few things into your classroom each day will increase the smiles in your students! By seeing your kiddos smile, you will surely smile too. Together we can get through the cold months with joy-filled hearts and happy faces.

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