37 Autumn Jokes for Kids

Autumn leaves, crisp, cool air, trips to the pumpkin patch, apple picking, s’mores over campfire… these are the things of FALL!

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE to spice things up a bit in my classroom during Pumpkin Spice Season! One way I enjoy doing this is through using Fall themed jokes for my joke of the day. Students will submit their guess of what the answer is. If they get it correct, they receive a little piece of candy! Usually, I use Laffy Taffy (because it is a joke), but during the fall season, I like to use a bit of candy corn or other Halloween treats.

Over time, I have collected quite the great repertoire of jokes. I thought I would share some of my favorites with you!

Fall Themed Jokes Guaranteed to Bring A Giggle

  1. What is a scarecrow’s favourite type of fruit? Straw-berries!
  2. What is it called when a tree doesn’t think it’s autumn? Disbe-leaf
  3. What can a whole apple do that half an apple can’t do? It can look round
  4. What is the cutest of all seasons? Awwwtumn!
  5. Why do trees hate tests so much? Because they get stumped on all questions!
  6. How are you supposed to talk in the apple library? With your in-cider voice.
  7. What did the squash with an identity crisis say?  I’m A – Corn! (It was an Acorn squash)
  8. Why did summer catch autumn? Because autumn is fall
  9. Why was the man shopping for Reynolds Wrap? He thought his wife wanted to see fall foilage.
  10. Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize? Because he was out-standing in his field!
  11. What’s the ratio of a pumpkin’s diameter to its circumference? Pumpkin Pi!
  12. What is a tree’s least favourite month of the year? Sep-timber!
  13. What happens when winter arrives? Autumn leaves!
  14. Why do trees like to try new things each year? Because every autumn they turn over a new leaf!
  15. What did the doctor say when the nurse told him the invisible man was there? Tell him I can’t see him.
  16. Who helps the little pumpkins cross the road to school? The Crossing Gourd.
  17. What did one autumn leaf say to the other? I’m falling for you.
  18. Why do trees try new things so often? Because every autumn, then turn over a new leaf.
  19. What is it called when a tree takes some time off? Paid Leaf
  20. If money really did grow on trees, then what would everyone’s favorite season be? Fall.
  21. Why do all the birds fly south in the fall? Because it’s too far to walk!
  22. Why did the pumpkin roll across the road? Because it didn’t have any feet to walk across!
  23. What kind of vest do you wear in the fall? A Har-vest!
  24. What do the trees say when they start getting their leaves back in spring? What a re-leaf!
  25. What do you call a very large pile of leaves? The Great Barrier Leaf!
  26. What do you get if you drop a pumpkin? Squash!
  27. Who can jump higher, a pumpkin or a scarecrow? Neither of them can jump!
  28. Who reads in an apple? A bookworm
  29. What is red, orange and yellow and doesn’t get hurt when it falls? Autumn leaves!
  30. Why are trees so forgiving? Because every fall, they let it go!
  31. What did the tree say to autumn? Please leaf me alone!
  32. How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch!
  33. What did one autumn leaf say to another? I’m falling for you!
  34. How do trees get on the internet? They log in!
  35. What is the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie? Your teeth of course!
  36. What happened when the turkey got in a fight? The stuffing was knocked out of him
  37. Which monster is red, round and only comes out in the autumn? Frankenapple!

Hope it’s a laugh and a half in your classroom tomorrow!

In case you missed my last post of Spotify Playlists…

Here is my Fall Instrumental Classroom Playlist! Perfect for Morning Work and Read to Self time!

For more Classroom Playlists CLICK HERE!

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