5 Ways for Teachers to Rest Over Winter Break

Take a deeeeep breath!!! You made it!!! You have finished the first semester of arguably one of the hardest years of teaching to date. You pushed through quarantines, mask mandates, perhaps online learning, curriculum changes, changes to procedures, new expectations from the higher ups, and this probably doesn’t even scratch the surface. All of these things were added to your plate, not to mention the normal stuff… grading, planning, prepping, emails, dealing with learning challenges, and behavioral challenges.

But! Here we are! Hopefully by now, even the teachers who had to week the work of Christmas are done. We get to relax for a couple of weeks now!! Before we dive full on into our break, I think it is important to take 15 minutes to consider how to best use our time over the break in order to get the most renewal out of it. Here are 5 ways I am planning on resting this break!

1. Sit on the couch and do something mindlessly.

I think before I can even think about doing anything else, I need to just unwind from the craziness this year. For me, this usually looks like watching a Korean Drama or Christmas Movie on my couch. I might even need to do this for a couple of days before thinking about resting in other ways. For others this may be reading a book, sketching, knitting, etc.

2. Plan to spend time with loved ones in a fun way.

The next thing I will do after unwinding a bit will be to go out and spend some time with friends and family. Last night I was able to go to a Mexican Restaurant for my bestie’s birthday then catch the new Spiderman in theaters with my husband. We are looking forward to traveling to visit family in a couple of days as well. Whatever it is that you enjoy doing with your people, do it!!

3. Go on a spontaneous walk, hike, bike ride, or try a new fun workout!

Some level of activity is absolutely vital! I am still recovering from covid, but I am dying to spend a bit of time taking care of my body and getting it back to normal. Try an activity that is not too overwhelming or exhausting, and take some time to appreciate all the things your body does for you. Get outside if possible, even if it is a bit cold, and breathe in that fresh air! Feel your lungs fill with clean oxygen and take a moment to be thankful for it.

4. Laugh.

I don’t know about you, but laughing is certainly as good as medicine! I love to laugh, but recently life has got the best of me and it has been harder to life. Stop the busyness for a minute and allow yourself to just laugh. It will certainly fill your spirit with some joy going into these next two holiday weeks. (This might be silly, but Trey Kennedy’s recent video, “Every Holiday Movie” had me rolling. Maybe it will bring a smile to your face too! :))

5. Find some time to LEISURELY reflect and plan for the New Year.

Please do not stress on the whole New Year Resolutions!! Towards the end of your break, take some quiet and relaxing time to yourself to reflect on how this past year went. What went well? What could have gone better? What are you thankful for? What would you like to improve in the coming year? If you decide to set New Year goals, make them purposeful, actionable, and attainable. Take a few minutes to plan the first week back to school. Make it easy on yourself. Here are several no-prep, print -ready, and digital resources to help you make a smooth transition back to school!

*Bonus Tip*

More than anything, just enjoy. Enjoy yourself, your rest, your loved ones, and the moment. These breaks are few and far between, so soak every minute up and let your soul be refreshed! You’ve earned it, Teacher!

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