“What if I Forget She’s The One?”

I don’t know about you, but teaching 5th graders is always entertaining! Every year we have to have our classroom version of “the talk.” Essentially, we discuss what is and is not appropriate for the classroom setting. I wanted to share how this conversation went in my classroom recently. I think it is important to share funny, real-life situations on the blog sometimes. I hope you enjoy this little story! 🙂

It was brought to my attention that there were a few crushes going on in the classroom. Now, I am not one to mind crushes too much, however, I do mind when they interrupt learning. At this point, lots of little side conversations were going on as well as the notorious note-passing. So I decided to address it. This is how our conversation went…

“The Talk”

Me to the 5th graders: “Okay guys! I need to have a little chat with all of you”

*Insert looks of fear from 5th graders*

Me: “No, no! Don’t look worried! No one’s in trouble! It is just that time of the year when we need to talk about crushes in the class.”

*Insert 5th graders looking around the room with raised eyebrows* (Some with looks of elevated concern and others with complete confusion. lol).

Me: “Some of you may have no idea what I am talking about, and that’s okay! You’re totally fine! Some of you may have started developing feelings for other people in the class, and that’s okay! Both are totally and completely normal feelings!

*Insert the worried 5th graders slightly relaxing.*

Me: “Really! I want you to hear me! If you still think girls have cooties, that is totally A-okay! If you think you have found your future wife, you’re probably wrong, but that’s totally okay too! However, I don’t think our classroom is the best place for us to have these conversations. Why do you think I would say that?”

*Insert 5th graders raising their hands and saying things like, “Because it is distracting!” or “Because it can be embarrassing!”*

Me: “Yes, those are all fantastic reasons! Essentially, I have a very important job to get you ready for middle school, and if we are doing things and saying things that are distracting our friends and ourselves from learning, you won’t be as ready as you need to be. Now, if your parents want to take you all to the McDonald’s Playhouse for a date after school, please be my guest!

*Insert 5th graders laughing because they realize how crazy it all sounds to be dating in 5th grade.*

Me: “Also, sometimes it can create drama between friends, and I really don’t want that for you guys! I’ve seen it happen too many times! Friendships are lost and broken because of crushes, gossip, and choosing sides. I promise you, that if this crush that you have in 5th grade is “the one” for you, they will still be “the one” after you graduate high school! So for now, I think it’s best just to grow those friendships.”

*Insert the boy – that I am totally having this conversation for – raising his hand with an extremely concerned look on his face*

Me: “Yes, Jack?” (Name changed for privacy)

Jack: “What if I forget she’s the one?!”

Me (trying to hold back a laugh): “Oh buddy, you won’t forget! I can assure you that if she is the one, there’s no way you will forget!”

Jack nods and says: “Oh good, I was worried for a second!”

Moral of the Story

This is one of my favorite stories from this year! Here are my takeaways:

  1. I think it is always important to talk openly and honestly with your students, at a grade-appropriate level of course.
  2. Involve students in the conversations by asking questions and hearing their thoughts.
  3. Acknowledge their contributions to the discussion.
  4. When you sense some anxiety, squash it right away with reassuring words and body language.
  5. Allow students to have crushes and acknowledge that it is normal, but maintain control of your classroom by talking about the elephant in the room.
  6. 5th graders are funny.

Valentine’s is right around the corner! It may be time for you to have this convo with your older kids. 😀 Have a happy week!

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  1. This is such sweet story!! I wish things would’ve been addressed like this in my 5th grade class! 🙌🏼❤️

    1. Aw, thank you, Reiley! They are the most important things sometimes. Kids will always learn the content they need to, but these real-life situations are just as important. 🙂

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